Setup: STT APIs - IBM

GET IBM Bluemix Speech To Text API Keys

Here toget API keys for IBM Bluemix Watson Speech To Text service

Not that after you have made your IBM Bluemix account you need the IBM Watson Speech to text credentials for autoEdit.

Here is an unofficial guide to get the IBM Bluemix Speech to text credentials

Add the API keys to the app at startup

When you first launch the app by double clicking on it you are taken to the credentials page. Where you can add IBM Watson Speech to text service username and password API keys.

Note that these are not your IBM Bluemix credentials, but you have to create a speech to text service within Bluemix and get those credentials.

Click on Save Credentials and that’s it. You are ready to go.

Visit the credentials page to review or change the API keys.

Now you are ready to chose IBM as an option when adding a new transcription. Checkout the transcribing section of the user manual to see how to do that.

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