Going onto subsequent version the project structure is likely to change a bit, but an overview can give you an idea of the the main parts, components and architecture of the application.
As of v1.0.6:
├── LICENCE.md
├── README.md
// dmg config info
├── appdmg.json
├── assets
// background image for dmg
│ ├── background.png
// app icon for os x dock
│ └── nw.icns
// nwjs builder script destination folder
├── build
//build script to package the app
├── build.js
// cache folder for nwjs version to use in build
├── cache
// some config helpers
├── config
│ ├── README.md
│ ├── build.js
│ ├── jsdoc_conf.json
│ └── make_demo.js
├── config.js
// Jeckyll github page site for project page
├── docs
├── lib
//backbone app
│ ├── app
│ │ ├── app.js
│ │ ├── collections
│ │ ├── demo_db.js
│ │ ├── helpers.js
│ │ ├── models
// this is the router for transcriptions
│ │ ├── router.js
// separate router for paper-edits
│ │ ├── router_paperedit.js
//ejs templates
│ │ ├── templates
│ │ └── views
// ffmpeg and ffprobe binaries
│ ├── bin
│ │ ├── ffmpeg
│ │ └── ffprobe
│ ├── edl_composer
│ │ ├── README.md
│ │ └── index.js
//these modules are run in node context in nwjs
│ ├── interactive_transcription_generator
│ │ ├── README.md
│ │ ├── index.js
│ │ ├── transcriber
│ │ ├── video_metadata_reader
│ │ └── video_to_html5_webm
│ └── srt
│ └── index.js
├── node_modules
// nwjs packaged app
├── nwjs
//app.js is generated by browserify as part of build npm script
│ ├── app.js
│ ├── custom.css
// connect backbone.sync to db. db.js is run in node context in nwjs
│ ├── db.js
//demo data for autoEdit online demo page
│ ├── demo_paperedit.json
//demo data for autoEdit online demo page
│ ├── demo_transcription.json
//entry point for nwjs is index.html
│ ├── index.html
// module that handles the watson credentials
│ └── watson_keys.js
//node package.json file
├── package.json
// tests using jasmine
├── spec
// third party js compiled in browserify
└── vendor
├── backbone.async.js
└── backbone.mousetrap.js
Was initially Using jsdoc and [docco][docco] for automatic documentation generated. See updating documentation section for more on how to update jsdoc and [docco][docco]. But have decided to move the documentation gitbooks (which is what you are most likely reading now). And still need to decide what is the place, if any for automated generated documentation.
Test suite npm run test. Uses jasmine for testing. Testes are setup to be all in one place rather then divided with their respective components, for ease of use. Altho test coverage is far from complete and could do with some attention, see supporting the project if that's something you'd be interested getting involved with.
Is the front end of the project.
// nwjs packaged app
├── nwjs
//app.js is generated by browserify as part of build npm script
│ ├── app.js
│ ├── custom.css
// connect backbone.sync to db. db.js is run in node context in nwjs
│ ├── db.js
//demo data for autoEdit online demo page
│ ├── demo_paperedit.json
//demo data for autoEdit online demo page
│ ├── demo_transcription.json
//entry point for nwjs is index.html
│ ├── index.html
// module that handles the watson credentials
│ └── watson_keys.js
db.js overrides backbone.sync method to provide a backend for the app and persistent storage using linvodb3, which uses medeadown to storing db on the user file system. See current db setup tutorial for more info.
in index.html the window object is used to provide an interface between the nwjs mixed contexts
// if require is not undefined then we are in node context in `index.html` , and therefore using
if (typeof require !== 'undefined') {
// other code here..
window.DB = require('./db.js');
in lib/app/app.js the choice between the demo db and the production db is made.
// Connect up the backend for backbone
if (typeof window.DB !== 'undefined') {
Backbone.sync = window.DB;
} else {
Backbone.sync = require('./demo_db');
demo_paperedit.json anddemo_transcription.json provide the data for the demo when index.html is run in client side mode in the browser. and lib/app/demo_db.js provides the logic for the demo db.
app contains the backbone project. this is packaged for the client side with browserify.
After the user uploads a video or audio file the backbone app override default backbone.sync and calls the nwjs/db.js which after saving the transcription model in db, triggers this module to get stt transcription, video preivew, and metadata info.
At a hight level this module:
converts the file to an audio file meet the IBM Watson STT Specs, using the submodule transcriber.
if greater then 5 min long it splits it into 5 min chunk.
It keeps tracks of the time offset of each clip.
It sends audio files to IBM STT API.
If submitted file was greater then 5 min.
When results starts to come back as json after about 5 min or less results are re-interpolated into one json file.
The json returned by IBM is converted into json meeting autoEdit2 specs and saved in db.
User can now view interactive an transcription.
interactive_transcription_generator. On top of prepping the audio or video file to get a transcription from IBM, it also generates a webm html5 video preview and reads the metadata, which is something needed make an EDL.
The transcriber module used by interactive_transcription_generator can also chose between using Gentle open source STT, Pocketsphinx or IBM to generate the transcription depending on what was specified by the user.