* for docs on how to use these function see
* and
// from
// adding support for json
//@include ./json2.jsx
if (typeof $ == "undefined") $ = {};
$._PPP = {
say: function(something) {
$.writeln(something); // output to ExtendScript Toolkit Console
alert(something); // invoke a warning popup
return "thanks"; // return a string back to JavaScript
create_sequence: function() {
var someID = "xyz123";
var seqName = prompt(
"Name of sequence?",
"Some Descriptive Name",
"Sequence Naming Prompt"
app.project.createNewSequence(seqName, someID);
return "done";
create_sequence_from_paper_edit: function(options) {
var options = JSON.parse(options);
var paperEdit = options.edlJson;
var sequenceName = options.edlJson.title;
// Create sequence
var createAnewSequenceBool;
if (confirm("Do you want to create a new sequence?")) {
createAnewSequenceBool = true;
} else {
createAnewSequenceBool = false;
var seq;
var seqPlayerPosition;
if (createAnewSequenceBool) {
// TODO: find out what's the role of sequence ID. eg does it have to be unique? can you retrieve sequences by ids
var someID = "xyz123";
// OR Could get the name of the sequence
// var seqName = prompt('Name of sequence?', '+sequenceName+', 'Sequence Naming Prompt');
seq = app.project.createNewSequence(sequenceName, someID);
seqPlayerPosition = seq.getPlayerPosition();
} else {
seq = app.project.activeSequence;
// If chose to insert in existing sequence but there is no active seuqnece open
if (seq === undefined) {
"Invalid request. Either chose, create a new sequence, or select an active sequence. Operation has been cancelled."
return "error";
} else {
// getting playhead position to decide where to insert the clips in the sequence.
// otherwise default to 0 was inserting always at beginnging of sequence
seqPlayerPosition = app.project.activeSequence.getPlayerPosition();
// OR could add to existing open sequence eg user could chose, add extra options. flag for this.
// var seq = app.project.activeSequence;
var vTrack1 = seq.videoTracks[0];
// TODO: data structure from `getEDLJsonDataFromDom`
// but cannot figure out why it arrives in reversed order here, it seems fine in EDL file creation
// which uses same function
var clipEvents =;
// find clips from paper-edit events in project panel browser
for (var i = 0; i < clipEvents.length; i++) {
var papercut = clipEvents[i];
var arrayOfProjectItemsReferencingSomePath = app.project.rootItem.findItemsMatchingMediaPath(
var clipInProjectPanel = arrayOfProjectItemsReferencingSomePath[0];
// TODO: need to had catch for what happens if file is not in project panel.
// eg either return error, eg alert cannot continue add clip to project panel
// or look for projec ton file system using path?
// If it is not in project panel. Use file path to see if it is on file system and can import in premiere
if (arrayOfProjectItemsReferencingSomePath.length === 0) {
// if filePath exisists then import into proejct
var filePath = new File(papercut.filePath);
if (filePath.exists) {
// app.sourceMonitor.openFilePath(options.filePath);
// playTc(options.timecode);
var importThese = [];
// import into project panel
importThese, // takes array
1, // suppress warnings
); // import as numbered stills
// then re-search and get clip in project.
arrayOfProjectItemsReferencingSomePath = app.project.rootItem.findItemsMatchingMediaPath(
clipInProjectPanel = arrayOfProjectItemsReferencingSomePath[0];
} else {
// if cannot find on file system using file path then abort.
"Add video for this transcription to project panel and try again"
// set in and out point for clip
// insert clip sequence offset is in this format '00;00;00;00' or in seconds.
// edlJson offset is this format '00:00:28:08'
var lastClipEndTime = seqPlayerPosition;
// first clip
if (i === 0) {
vTrack1.insertClip(clipInProjectPanel, lastClipEndTime);
lastClipEndTime = parseFloat(papercut.endTime) + lastClipEndTime;
} else {
vTrack1.insertClip(clipInProjectPanel, lastClipEndTime);
get_user_data_path: function() {
// alert(Folder.userData.fsName+"/autoEdit2");
return Folder.userData.fsName + "/dpe-panel";
open_file_in_source_monitor_and_play_if_present: function(options) {
var options = JSON.parse(options);
// if the file is present in the project bin it loads it into source monitor from there
var viewIDs = app.getProjectViewIDs();
// sample code optimized for a single open project
// getting selection in project panel
// if nothing selected it returns an empty array
var viewSelection = app.getProjectViewSelection(viewIDs[0]);
// if something is selected
if (viewSelection.length !== 0) {
// path to selected media in
var selectionFilePath = viewSelection[0].getMediaPath();
// checking that what is selected is same as transcription source file in autoEdit
// by comparing names if name match add to source monitor
if (options.fileName === getFilenameFromPath(selectionFilePath)) {
// load file in source monitor
// if it is not it tries to see if it is present in the filePath
// if the transctription source file does not match the file name of the selected file in source monitor
else {
// check if file exists . can we use fs?
var filePath = new File(options.filePath);
if (filePath.exists) {
// if it is not present in either, returns error, file not found, add to project bin and try again.
else {
// if autoEdit original file path does not exist anymore
// alert message, file not present, add file to premiere bin.
"media file for this transcription not present, add file to premiere project panel"
return "file-not-found";
// no clip selected in project panel
else {
// see if file exists in project bin
// TODO:
var arrayOfProjectItemsReferencingSomePath = app.project.rootItem.findItemsMatchingMediaPath(
// if it finds the video element in project panel. loads it source panel.
if (arrayOfProjectItemsReferencingSomePath.length !== 0) {
var clipInProjectPanel = arrayOfProjectItemsReferencingSomePath[0];
return "done";
} else {
// see if file exists on user's computer
var filePath = new File(options.filePath);
if (filePath.exists) {
// TODO: add project to adobe project
// var tmpFilesToImpot = [];
// tmpFilesToImpot.push(options.filePath)
// app.project.importFiles(tmpFilesToImpot, 1, app.project.getInsertionBin(),0)
return "done";
// if it is not present in either, returns error, file not found, add to project bin and try again.
else {
// if autoEdit original file path does not exist anymore
// alert message, file not present, add file to premiere bin.
"file not present on computer, add and select file to premiere project panel and try again"
return "file-not-found";
function playTc(timecode) {
// enables the undocumented QE DOM which is necessary to control program monitor playback
// convert timecode from second to second + frames
var timecode = secondsToFrames(timecode);
// scrub source monitor to timecode
// play
if (options.playBool) {;
return "done";
function secondsToFrames(time) {
var buffer = 3; // amount of frames to jump before the start of the word to make it a little less abrupt
var fps = 25;
var base = Math.floor(time);
var fraction = time - base;
var frames = Math.floor(fps * fraction) - buffer;
if (frames < 1) {
frames = fps + frames;
base -= 1;
return String(base) + "." + String(frames);
// TODO: repluce with node file path get name?
function getFilenameFromPath(filePath) {
var filePathAr = filePath.split("/");
var fileName = filePathAr[filePathAr.length - 1];
return fileName;
get_current_project_panel_selection_absolute_path: function() {
var viewIDs = app.getProjectViewIDs();
// sample code optimized for a single open project
viewSelection = app.getProjectViewSelection(viewIDs[0]);
if (viewSelection === undefined) {
alert("Select a video or audio file from the Project Panel");
return "";
} else {
// get string with absolute path to media file
return viewSelection[0].getMediaPath();
open_file_in_source_monitor_using_path: function(filePath) {
return "done";
open_current_project_panel_selection_in_source_monitor: function() {
var viewIDs = app.getProjectViewIDs();
// sample code optimized for a single open project
viewSelection = app.getProjectViewSelection(viewIDs[0]);
// get string with absolute path to media file
var filePath = viewSelection[0].getMediaPath();
return "done";
// pos is in the format of seconds.frames (e.g. 10.5 is 10 seconds, 5 frames) or in timecode ('00;00;10;05')
// This might be a useful reference:
set_source_pos: function(options) {
var options = JSON.parse(options);
// var options = JSON.parse(options);
app.enableQE(); // enables the undocumented QE DOM which is necessary to control program monitor playback
// if(playBool){;
// }
return "done";
add_file_to_project_panel: function(options) {
var options = JSON.parse(options);
// array of file paths, suppress warnings , insertion bin, import as numbered stills
traverse_project_items: function() {
if (!app.project.rootItem) return "rootItem is not available";
var file_paths = [];
// breadth first traversal
var stack = [app.project.rootItem];
while (stack.length > 0) {
var item = stack.shift();
if (
item === undefined ||
item.children === undefined ||
item.children.numItems < 1
var numChildren = item.children.numItems;
for (var i = 0; i < numChildren; i++) {
var child = item.children[i];
switch (child.type) {
case ProjectItemType.CLIP:
case ProjectItemType.FILE:
var file_path = child.getMediaPath();
if (file_path && file_path.length > 0) {
file_paths.push('"' + encodeURIComponent(file_path) + '"');
// do something with the file_path
case ProjectItemType.BIN:
} // switch end
var result = "[" + file_paths.join(", ") + "]";
return result;
Last updated