Selections, Annotations, Papercuts

Component/part description

Semanticly papercuts can be selections, hilights, annotations when found in a transcription but is only as the building block of a paper-edit that we refer to them as paper-cuts.

Connected to this is defining a schema for paper-edit, to make sure all components that work with this have a defined interface/specification.

Same as EDL papercut/”event” object in “EDL JSON: schema from EDL composer component module from autoEdit2.

Selections component

A component that can make a selection of word objects from a transcription/hypertranscript.


Associate a selection with a tag, a tag description and a comment.


Tags to group annotations.



Need Annotation schema specification Check out recent annotation spec by W3C

Combine, selection, annotation, tag, and event info/papercut for paper edit/“JSON EDL” when multiple annotations combined. With some as optional fields. Eg tags, etc..

Could use to keep annotation close to selection in trascription . And coul use bootstrap popovers


Implementations Options considered


Selections Make text selection of transcription

To look into


Current implementation

Paper-edit json schema specification Connected to this is defining a schema for paper-edit, to make sure all components that work with this have a defined interface/specification. Same as EDL papercut/”event” object in “EDL JSON: schema from EDL composer component module from autoEdit2.


ended up using intermediate data structure. Data is stored in html in data attribute for ease of retrieval at word level.


What needs refactoring

→ Refactoring: Words Selections

How to do text selection for highlight paper cuts. Currently in transcription show it traverse the DOM to update those. Eg see selecting words function. That recognises uses selection.

And this function to update the dom with selections.

There might be a better way to do this? Using rangy ?

refactoring words data

Data is stored in html in data attribute for ease of retrieval at word level. this is very bulky. There might be more elegant options, using listeners and events(?) or other(?).

Last updated