Distribute as a zxp file

TL;DR: download zxp file and use Anastasiy package manager to install.

1.Download your extension (.zxp file)

Download your extension using the button below, to download the zxp file to your computer's Downloads folder. Enter any passwords, or accept any notices your computer’s operating system presents.

2. Install your extension with an Adobe compatible Extension Install Utility

If you were unable to install your extension using the Creative Cloud desktop app, please follow the instructions below to use an extension install utility such as Anastasiy’s Extension Manager. If you are looking to install a decrypted extension (as we don't support encrypted extensions for enterprise use cases) for multiple Creative Cloud for teams or Creative Cloud for enterprise users you can deploy using the CC Packager. Learn more Open Anastasiy’s Extension Manager or your chosen Extension Install Utility. If you don’t have it on your computer, below are download links for alternative utilities. Once downloaded and installed, use an extension install utility to install your .zxp files.

Download Anastasiy’s Extension Manager

After selecting either the Mac or Windows version of your chosen Extension Install Utility, download it to your computer and follow the installation instructions from the installer, which should be in your Downloads folder.

Install your extension from Adobe Exchange by selecting File > Install extension or following the instructions within the install utility and selecting the extension from within your computer’s Downloads folder.

Do not use Adobe Extension Manager for CC2015 or later compatible Adobe apps. It is no longer supported and may create install issues. Use a third party utility for extension installation, such as those mentioned above for installation, if installation via the Creative Cloud desktop app is not successful.

from https://exchange.adobe.com/creativecloud/install-instructions.100819.html

Last updated